Recreational Soccer

How do I register my child?
Once you have completed your registration on the East Orlando Knights website, we
will send you an invoice for payment. Once payment is received we will follow up with
an email.
Is this league Co-Ed?
Yes, our league is co-ed.
Can my child play up in age?
This is possible, however, all players should compete at a level they are capable of both
physically and developmentally. If you would like for your child to play up, please email
us or place your request in the comment section of your registration.
Can my child play on the same team as their friend?
You are able to request a coach, teammate(s), and practice days that work best for you
at the time of registration. All requests are taken into consideration when creating team
rosters and schedules.
I’ve registered my child and made payment. What’s next?
You can expect to receive your child’s team placement for the season prior to the
season start date. You’ll also receive details like coach information, team roster, and
practice time if applicable. You can expect to receive the game schedule for the season
approximately one week prior to games beginning. Team and game information is
communicated via the Team Snap app.
I personally didn’t register my child for sports, but someone else did. How can I
begin receiving information instead?
This is an easy fix! Please contact us and we will add you to the communication email.
What is the weather policy and how do we deal with cancellations?
In the event weather forces a program cancellation, you will receive an email/ text/alert
from us via Team Snap. We will also post it on our Facebook page East Orlando
Knights. Decisions on weather cancellations can be made within 15–30 minutes prior to
your practice. On game days, updates will be posted and an email will be sent out via
Team Snap and Facebook, as well. The decision on game cancellations can also be
made within 15–30 minutes prior to scheduled game times.
We can’t play anymore. How do I get a refund?
If East Orlando Knights cancels a program, all enrollees will receive a full refund of
program fees only. Practice and/or games cancelled due to inclement weather will not
result in any refund of participation fees. We will attempt to reschedule these sessions
but doesn’t guarantee all sessions will be made up. If a make-up session gets rained
out we will not reschedule a second make-up and no refund will be given for that
practice and/or game.
Refunds are considered only the first week of the season. Once your child has played
and practiced in the first week, no refunds will be granted.
Will we have our own coach?
Yes. Each team will have a parent volunteer coach. Coaches must agree to implement
the EOFC curriculum. If you would like to coach, please contact us.
What if there are not enough coaches?
If there are not enough coaches we will be forced to close registration or refund those
players without coaches.
Why don’t players play specific positions?
First, what positions could we assign other than goalkeeper – attack, defend, right, left?
But the real reason is that players at this level of play and experience level are not
ready for team tactics. There is a difference between being told “stay in that spot” and
understanding a position, a strategy, or system. Our “tactical” focus at this age revolves
around concepts of space. When the opposing team has the ball what spaces should
our team move to occupy (press)? When our team has the ball what spaces should our
team move to occupy (open)? How do I move in relation to a teammate(s) (towards,
away, laterally)? Can I think one more step ahead, what will I do when X happens?
More advanced tactics are layered in at higher levels of play.
Why aren’t players allowed to head the ball?
The US Soccer Federation banned heading a long time ago for players under 12 years
of age in order to reduce the risk of concussion in young players, and rightly so. The
reasons for this are many and backed up by extensive research. Heading is a
secondary skill in soccer and more appropriately developed once players are more
physically developed.
What support can coaches expect from EOFC?
Coaches will be provided with complete practice plans, team shape/tactics, and league
rules. A Coaching professional will be available to provide guidance, the necessary
cones and pinnies, or other equipment when needed. Each player needs to bring
his/her own ball, cleats and shin guards.
What are the age bracket breakdowns for the Advent league?
The age per division is 3-5, 6-7, 8-10, 11-14.